
Christmas...here we come!

Nothing like curling up in a comfy chair with a good book, is there? 
Ok, so we may not have an "accelerated reader" on our hands as of yet, but she sure does enjoy the bright colors and squishy pages of her "water, water everywhere" book!
 Good thing it's water proof, because she loves to chew on the pages...
In other exciting, big news, we are now sitting up by ourselves!! :) She can't sit up for long periods of time, but she can sit up for a minute or two without getting too tired. She grabs her feet to steady herself. It is pretty funny to watch her get so excited  about being upright, then she gets too excited and tips over! She still isn't rolling over very consistently but I think that will come when she stops getting so frustrated about being on her tummy and not being upright like the rest of us. 
Of course, the highlight of our week was giving her REAL food!! She started single-grain cereals on Saturday with our pediatrician's blessing. I thought I'd finish the blog with a picture a of her eating her first few bites of cereal. She is SO excited to be getting real food. After her first few bites, she looked at me like "How long have you known about this stuff and been holding out on me?" We even gave her the spoon and she likes to lick it off. (and yes, in the last picture, that is cereal in her eyelashes.)
Ps- feel free to leave a few comments so I know that someone actually DOES read what we write!


  1. I love looking and reading the blog. It is great to look at the pictures. She is getting so big eating food and sitting on her own. where has the time gone. I am glad she likes food as much as I do. I can't wait until she gets to try real food oh the faces she will make. I love those chocolate balls that you make I could eat an entire batch of them. I love you both very much

  2. Ha ha, thanks honey!
    I get to hear your comments every day in real life, but I appreciate them in cyber space too!
    You're a great dad!
    (and leave the chocolate balls alone, they're for her teachers!)

  3. We can't wait to see the video of the first tasting event. Love you all three.

    Ma and Pa Gibbs


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