
My Half-Panic

I'm an over-extender. I need to learn to reign my ambitions in. I commit to something and then more and more and more until I snap and have to scrape some things off my plate. I feel this way with the half-marathon training right now! I never would have dreamed that I'd run (and enjoy) 7 miles at a time! But I can, and I do. But ten mile runs? Although tiring they're not impossible; but I just hate the time commitment that entails. Sixty minutes of cardio is plenty; much more than that and my brain is already back at home, making a to-do list while my body is on auto-pilot. I dig the "therapy" that running has become for me, but after this half marathon, I'm definitely going to keep the runs under 6 miles on a daily basis. Also I want to beg my friends to come out and cheer for me (come on- it would be hard to quit running and walk when you may have a friend around the next corner!).... But on the other hand, I want to just run this quietly under the radar and go home and take a nap.
I think it's because I'm just over one month away, and my biggest training runs are ahead of me.
I'm gonna keep plugging away, but I need some serious motivation right now....


  1. It is a big time commitment for sure. I ran my first Half last Sept. I am gearing up for starting training for my first Full in October. I wish you the best of luck and every mile will be worth it when you cross that finish line and get your pretty medal!! Keep up the good work. P.S. it is natural to start to feel a panic as it gets closer ;)

  2. Do I read this correctly: you're running 7 miles in 60 minutes and enjoying it? THAT IS AWESOME!!! AMAZING!!! And super fast, too :)

  3. Go you!! I'm jealous of your tenacity and strong will. I hope you treat yourself to a spa day after your done =)


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