Thank goodness we are healthy again!!
With antibiotics, nebulizers and tylenol, we made it through. It really made me appreciate having a healthy, happy baby 99% of the year. Mothers of chronically ill children have so much respect from me...
I have also been playing with my camera, lights, and backdrops again recently. This picture really cracks me up! Madigan is wearing a onsie that my friend Monica made for her. There is a tiny, pink bow sewn on the front of it, and Madigan can't leave it alone... she knows she isn't supposed to eat it, but she can't help it.
She got "caught" grabbing it, and tried to play it off as her thumb-sucking maneuver. Just too cute!This is a picture of Madigan and her little friend Giana. My friend Monica (who made their onsies) is Giana's mommy- I'm so lucky to have a friend with a little girl Madigan's age! There is one more mommy/baby combo to our trio of "July Moms" as we call ourselves, but she was sick that night and couldn't make it. Hopefully we'll have a pic of all 3 of the wonder-children soon!
I'm contemplating making a "go" of a real photography business, so I've been busy gathering info on that, and Brett is busy with school, tests (March will be his LAST midterms!!), working on his resume, applying for jobs, and working. Madigan is of course busy practicing all the things that we aren't ready for her to do. She is crawling a few "steps" at a time, just one or two little lunges at a time to get a toy. She also pulls herself up to her feet if she has something to hold on to right in front of her (!!!!). I'm definitely not ready for the pulling up thing- that means steps are not far behind, and this house is no where NEAR baby-proof!! She's also quickly outgrowing jammies, growing into her spring and summer dresses, and coming up with so many more sounds, consonants, and syllables than before. Before we know it, we will have a walking, talking child on our hands. Where did my baby go?
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