It looks like Cheeks McGee saw her shadow, so 6 more weeks of winter... Oh, what's that? Who's Phil? Nevermind him... I know this isn't the clearest shot, but it definitely outlines her beautiful cheeks. The cheeks that help put her head in the 90th percentile. Her weight is in the 90th percentile too... as far as length... well... two outta three ain't bad.Little miss curious enjoyed playing with the camera this weekend about as much as I did. She's such a poser! She had her check up and shots on Friday and did pretty good. Brett had to work so I had to field the needles myself. You think as a nurse I'd be ok with shots. I hate them for her! She is always so happy and laughing at the nurses... until they jab her and she cries, then I'm as big of a mess as she is. But an hour later we're both over it, so I guess we will survive them afterall.
I'm still waiting (less and less patiently) for her "six month" pictures to come back, and YES, I'm well aware that she's seven months old by now. I keep reminding the photographer of that too... He doesn't seem to mind. Last time I talked to him, I told him that I have 2 sets of grandparents that need new pictures, and my next step is to just give his phone number to them and let them harass him...
She is eating like a champ (wonder where she gets that?) and moving up through the stage 2 foods quickly. He said in the next month or two we can start soft foods like mashed potatoes, cooked veggies, and yogurt. Yummy!
Here's a shot of her in the jumperoo (thank you, Cadorets!!) I know she looks slightly pained, but honestly she just enjoys the heck out of that thing! Usually she's got ahold of the grab bar in the front and she's letting it buck her all over. We may have a mini-PBR chick on our hands!
Have a great week!
Almost all of my kids were in the 90-100 percentile. Laney was especially big for her age. It used to hurt my feelings, but now, The bigger the healthier! She's adorable.