
Fashion Advice

The importance of being properly dressed for the occasion cannot be stressed enough.
Especially to toddlers.
If you find yourself in need of a little fashion advice, read on:

First, it's of the utmost importance to find the dress. Because you can accessorize around it. Take for instance this green, Tinkerbell number that miss M has on. Just the right amount of tulle and bows for a 4 pm playdate at the local children's museum, right? The shirt underneath is important, as it covers enough skin to keep her modest. After all, you don't want to show it all off, you know? Leave a little something to the imagination.

After you've committed to a dress, you must find the right accessories. In this case, it was a bell-bracelet and a pair of wooden clackers. Also important is getting that dress out on the dance floor and making sure you can "shake it" like no tomorrow. Because when you're wearing a Tinkerbell exclusive ensemble, you won't be a wallflower. She's practicing her paparazzi face, and I think from this shot it appears she's working on her "Mary Kate Olson".

Of course the outfit can't be completed without a hat. Headwear did seem to go out of style there for a bit, but Madigan is attempting to bring it back in, and wanted to try the Chef hat on for size. Attractive, yes? But possibly not the right fit. It's ok to try on many hats before deciding on the one you like best.

Take for instance this hardhat. It provides a nice, masculine balance to the tulle and sequins that Tinkerbell brings to the table. Also, it provides function in the construction zone while working. The key here is to make your hat work for you.

Then again, at the end of the day, if you just feel like slipping into something more comfortable, then do just that! A helmet is the only accessory you need to rock the jeans and a bodysuit look. Pick out your own pair of Dora-the-explorer shoes, and you're in business.

See? Being a fashionista is made very simple!


  1. Oh so adorable!! Too cute! It's all about the dress, right???

  2. I love the last photo because her belly is so out there and she just owns it!

  3. Definitely a fashionista with attitude. Love it!

    Not fashion related, but remember when my 2 year old nephew helped take us to the airport. He had to carry 2 spatulas and his blanket the entire time. (-;


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